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Sendai, the contemporary capital city of ancient Tohoku

Yunokami Onsen

Yunokami Onsen is a famous railway station on the Aizu Railway Aizu Line. It is the only train station in Japan with a thatch roof. The half-timbered thatch roof station building has an “irori” open hearth fire in the waiting room. The area around the station is also...
Top 10 Cultural Festivals in Japan

Top 10 Cultural Festivals in Japan

1) Takayama Spring / Autumn Festival Held twice a year in April & October Takayama Festival in Gifu is set in the Japanese Alps and is one of Japan’s most beautiful festivals. The surrounding mountains Hida Takayama are the backdrop to two festivals at different...
Japan’s Roadmap to Reopening

Japan’s Roadmap to Reopening

As of yet, there is still no definitive date when Japan will reopen to international travel, however there are promising signs with last week’s announcements about the proposed ending of domestic restrictions. On September 9, 2021 the government announced a plan to...