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Top 10 Gardens in Japan

1)    Kenroku-en in Kanazawa A favourite of most international tourists, Kenroku-en dates back to 1676. With approximately 8,750 trees and 183 species of plants in total, Kenrokuen is every garden enthusiast’s dream. It consists of ponds, streams, rocks, mounds, trees, grassy expanses, and footpaths. During the Edo era (1603-1867), garden design departed from the Zen minimalism […] Read more...

Japanese Language Tips for Travellers in Japan

Understanding and using basic Japanese phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience in Japan. While English is often used in tourist areas, a few key phrases in Japanese will be appreciated and can make your journey smoother. English Usage: While most signs in Japan feature Latin script, finding people with English language skills outside major […] Read more...

Popular Foods to Try in Japan

A common concern of people travelling from Western countries is how they will get on with the local foods in Japan. Of course, many people love eating various types of Japanese food in their home cities, but many more have little to no experience with Asian cuisine and may be a bit apprehensive of the […] Read more...

Cultural Customs and Etiquette in Japan

Understanding and respecting Japanese customs and etiquette can greatly enhance your travel experience. Here’s a guide to help you navigate cultural norms. DO’S Slurp Noodles: Make noises when slurping ramen or miso soup; it’s a compliment to the chef. Bow: A very common greeting, showing respect or gratitude. Many small head bows can be a […] Read more...

Launching Three New Incredible Tours in Japan!

Our Japan travel experts have been busy researching and planning several exciting new tours in Japan. With literally decades of experience living in Japan and having travelled on many travel industry “familiarisation trips,”  we are very confident in every detail of what we are offering on these exciting new tours. 1) SHIKOKU SECRETS – 13 […] Read more...

Top 10 Skills to Learn in Japan

Cooking Class – Teishoku Home Cooking (or Sushi) Begin early at Kyoto market to source the freshest ingredients, then discover how to make Japanese food authentically for an elevated palate. Learn essential processes and integral dishes for a tasty and satisfying Japanese meal. Learn about the secret of good dashi (soup stock) for miso soup, […] Read more...

Top 10 Nature Experiences in Japan

Endangered Red-Crowned Crane Sanctuary A magical sun rises over Hokkaido, as hundreds of red-crowned cranes gather by Setsuri River. Usually found painted on scrolls and ceramics, these iconic birds are protected in Kushiro Shitsugen, a sanctuary constructed to encourage the repopulation of this rare breed. They breed in marshy meadows and wetlands and spend the […] Read more...

Top 10 Inspiration Experiences in Japan

Naoshima -Tadao Ando Innovative aesthetics meld into a beautiful backdrop of natural ecology creating a wonderland. Explore the best of contemporary architecture designed by the iconic Tadao Ando. The Chichu Art Museum is built on a hillside and called the centre of the earth. Natural light illuminates the space making for an immersive environment. Claude […] Read more...
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